Friday, January 23, 2009

Is this thing on?

So, I really can't believe I'm doing this. I mean, I've read blogs since the olden days, when there weren't "blogs" and the word didn't exist (follow along, children) and there were really just people, out there, musing about life and typing it into cyberspace on their own webpages that they bought for like, a dollar, because who knew? 

I even remember Oprah talking with gusto about an "Information Superhighway" which would shoot us all down a luge of connectedness and thinking: "Eh. It'll never happen." And then going back to flipping through the Yellow Pages to find a Chinese restaurant listing.

Oh yes, I remember it all. And the thing is, it wasn't so long ago, relatively speaking. At least to me, who's now sailed into the dog-leg-stretch of her mid-thirties and is looking down the barrel of forty. How can it be time for my twentieth high-school reunion? How has that happened? Where is all the hair on all the guys I know? (Don't answer that.) It's suddenly occurred to me that I am no longer - well - young. In fact, some might say I've reached middle age. But I don't talk to those people. 

After all, 37 is nothing. Right?

But more and more people have said things to me like, "How long ago was that picture taken?" and "Wow - your skin is really good. No wrinkles!" And - the worst thing, at work recently about a new employee: "You'll love her. She's just like you, only young!" That girl got a slap. And the fun of cleaning out the main supply closet over a rainy afternoon. 

And yet. And yet. I feel like I've let so much time go by without doing what I wanted to do. Floating. Getting along. I've avoided things that frighten me - not like spiders (although those too) but things that would stretch or test me. I never wrote that novel. I never lived as a thin girl (for long). I never went to work for Obama four years ago when I knew I knew he would be president and this was my grassroots chance and I...just didn't do it.

So. This blog. I may have come to this party late, but it looks like the lights are still on. So here I am. This year, things are going to be different. Enough.
Care to join me?

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